Tales From the Otherwood
A monthly podcast exploring the folk tales and folklore of the East Midlands and beyond. Dylan Knight acts as both our guide and storyteller as we explore these stories from Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Derbyshire as well as the lore and legends behind them.
Podcast art work by Adaptive on https://www.facebook.com/AdaptivePhotoMedia
Brought to you on or around the 13th of the month.
Feel free to contact Dylan at: talesfromtheotherwood@gmail.com
On Instagram @tales_from_the_otherwood
Or simply send us a text message on the website, all you have to do is click onto an episode, look for the link that says “Send us a Text Message” at the bottom of the episode description, click and contact me. Easy!
Tales From the Otherwood
The Green Mist
In the depths of Lincolnshire, time was that the coming of Spring was hurried with certain rituals to the spirits of the land. People looked for the Green Mist, for only on its arrival was Winter truly over.
The Green Mist is a tale that warns about things unseen that are always listening....
The Chat section discusses Boggarts, bogles and ancient field rites from Anglo-Saxon times. There is also an update on the previous tale The Boggart and the Farmer.
You can contact Dylan by email on:
And Instagram:
Or even "Send Us a Text Message" link at the bottom of the description!